Mental Health

View and download a comprehensive list of community mental health resources.

Child Health

American Academy of Pediatrics – An organization of 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. The website offers information regarding the Academy’s many programs and activities, policy statements and practice guidelines, publications and other child health resources from the nation’s leading child health experts.

Advocacy for the health and well-being of children is a critical role of the Partnership.

Read the formal statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics in response to President Trump’s Executive Order related to refugee children and their families.

Bright Futures – A national health promotion and disease prevention initiative that addresses children’s health needs in the context of family and community. In addition to use in pediatric practice, many states implement Bright Futures principles, guidelines and tools to strengthen the connections between state and local programs, pediatric primary care, families, and local communities. 

Medical Home

Center for Medical Home Improvement – Dedicated to establishing and supporting networks of parent/professional teams to improve the quality of primary care medical homes for children and youth with special health care needs and their families.

AAP National Center for Medical Home Initiatives – Offers medical home educational, resource, and advocacy materials, guidelines for care, evaluation tools, and technical assistance to support physicians, families, and other medical and non-medical providers who care for children and youth with special needs.

NCQA The Patient Practice Connections® -Patient-Centered Medical HomeTM – The PPC®-PCMHTM program reflects the input of the American College of Physicians (ACP), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and others in a revision of Physician Practice Connections to assess whether physician practices are functioning as medical homes. Building on the joint principles developed by the primary care specialty societies, the PPC®-PCMHTM standards emphasize the use of systematic, patient-centered, coordinated care management processes. 


Children’s Campaign Inc. A Florida-based organization focused on juvenile justice, Pre-K education, and child protection. Calendar, newsletter, and media information. 

Children’s Defense Fund – Advocacy for American children, particularly poor and minority children and those with disabilities. Issues and programs include: Head Start, Healthy Start, Stand for Children, child care, health insurance, child safety, moral education. 

The Children’s Partnership – National research, policy analysis, and advocacy organization focused on children and technology, children’s health care, and building a broad constituency to support children’s issues. 

Children’s Rights Council – National non-profit organization that works to assure children meaningful and continuing contact with both their parents and extended family regardless of the parents’ marital status. 

Children’s Rights, Inc. – Watchdog group dedicated to reforming government child welfare services across the US. Statistics, reports on pending legislation, policy and research position papers, cases, and news. 

Children’s Week – Seeks to educate Florida’s legislature on important issues facing children and families. Events, position papers, and advocacy toolkit.

Every Child Matters – Conducts polls, publishes reports, works with reporters and state children’s groups, runs advertising, and conducts campaigns on behalf of children. Initiatives on child abuse prevention, health insurance, after school programs, and early childhood education. 

UNICEF: Child Rights – Publications and information on the work of the United Nations Children’s Fund and its advocacy for children’s rights, survival, development and protection through adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Campaign for U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – A volunteer-driven network of academics, attorneys, child and human rights advocates, educators, members of religious and faith-based communities, physicians, representatives from non-governmental organizations, students, and other concerned citizens who seek to bring about U.S. ratification and implementation of the CRC.

Child Friendly Cities – The Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) was launched in 1996 to act on the resolution passed during the second UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) to make cities liveable places for all; in UNICEF terms, for “children first.” The Conference declared that the well-being of children is the ultimate indicator of a healthy habitat, a democratic society and of good governance.

Child Rights Information Network – A global network coordinating and promoting information and action on child rights. Almost 2,000 member organizations and tens of thousands more activists from across the world rely on CRIN for research and information. CRIN presses for rights for children and is guided by a passion for putting children’s rights at the top of the global agenda by addressing root causes and promoting systematic change. Its guiding framework is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Child Welfare League of America – An association of nearly 800 public and private nonprofit agencies that assist more than 3.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a range of services.

Children’s Defense Fund – Advocacy for American children, particularly poor and minority children and those with disabilities. Issues and programs include: Head Start, Healthy Start, Stand for Children, child care, health insurance, child safety, moral education.

Children’s Health Fund – Partner with major academic medical centers to deliver care to disadvantaged children in rural and urban areas and offer a voice for children in need, advocating for policies and public programs that remove roadblocks to quality health care for all children.

Children, Youth and Environments – The world’s leading publication for the latest news on children, youth and their environments. Endorsed by UN-Habitat and guided by a distinguished Editorial Advisory Board, the Journal is a one-stop online resource, which supports the sharing of knowledge across disciplinary and national boundaries.

Children’s Environments Research Group – Provides an important link between university scholarship and the development of policies, environments and programs that fulfill children’s’ rights and improve the quality of their lives. CERG focuses on the planning, design and management of children’s physical environments and fulfilling the rights of children.

Family Voices – Provides tools for families to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships among professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care.

Medical-Legal Partnership for Children – Works to improve health care for vulnerable populations and transform the service delivery model of legal aid to improve the health and well-being of families

National Children’s Study – Examines the effects of environmental influences on the health and development of more than 100,000 children across the United States, following them from before birth until age 21.

National Center for Children in Poverty – The Center, which is affiliated with Columbia University, produces reports, fact sheets, and press material that highlight strategies to end child poverty in the United States.

National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality – An action-oriented organization dedicated to improving the quality of health care provided to children.

Social Medicine Portal– The portal contains links to websites, documents and presentations devoted to social medicine – a discipline which looks at the way we define diseases and health, the methods we use for diagnosis and treatment and how we finance health care in a systematic way and seeks to understand how health, disease and social conditions are interrelated.

Concussion Management 

 – National Federation of High Schools (Current FSHAA course) Free
 – Heads Up To Clinicians: Addressing Concussion in Sports among Kids and Teens produced by the CDC Foundation with a grant from the NFL
 – The course guides medical professionals in the diagnosis and management of concussions in youth athletes on the sideline, in the office, in the training room, or in the emergency department.
 – The five video modules include: 
     1) Course overview and introduction
     2) Pathophysiology of concussions
     3) Diagnosing a concussion
     4) Management of concussions
     5) Preventing concussions o Funding provided by the National Football League (NFL). 

Download Concussion Awareness Letter – Sample 
Download Concussion Management – Sample
Download Return to Participation Form – Sample