All public health is local.
The intent of the Population Health Consortium of Northeast Florida is to establish a local entity that can provide the interdisciplinary and intersectoral commitment, expertise, and resources required to address the complex challenges of optimizing population health and eliminating inequities in health and well-being.
Vision: To become a recognized leader, catalyst, and contributor to our community’s efforts to optimize the health and well-being of all people in Northeast Florida.
Mission: The Mission of the Consortium is to optimize health and eliminate health inequities among all people in Northeast Florida, and in particular those marginalized by social, environmental, and medical determinants of health and well-being.
Members: The Consortium is composed of multi-sectoral medical, mental health, nursing, social work, dental and other discipline-specific organizations whose missions address population and community health and well-being.
Goal 1. To establish the membership, structure and function, policies and procedures, evaluation metrics, and funding and sustainability strategies of the organization.
Goal 2. To influence cross sectoral decision-makers in the development of programs, systems, and policies to optimize population health and eliminate health inequities.
Goal 3. To identify and address critical population health issues, and engage in continuous quality improvement and evaluation.
Goal 4. To disseminate the work of the Consortium.
CNBC Shep Smith interview with Jeffrey Goldhagen, MD “Delta Causes More Severe Diseases Among Children":https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/08/04/delta-causes-more-severe-disease-among-children-and-could-have-longer-term-impacts.html?__source=flipboard
GET THE FACTS JAX: Marketing Campaign Tools You Can Use to Improve Jacksonville's Vaccination Rate
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID - 19 Updates and Notices
12/14/20- Dr. Rathore of UF Health explains COVID 19 vaccine treatment and procedures.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Workgroup is focused on educating the community on the value of participating in COVID-19 vaccine trials and receiving the vaccine once available by first understanding perceptions and apprehensions through community conversations.
The goal will be achieved through an initial set of objectives as follows:
- Develop questions to elicit feedback from individuals to inform the development of a socially responsible messaging campaign.
- Conduct interviews with community members with an initial focus on communities of color including: consumers, caregivers, students, physicians, teachers, seniors, local officials, and religious & community leaders.
- Design outreach campaign based on outcomes of community conversations and align with national messaging to dispel misinformation.
The Evictions/Housing Insecurity Workgroup focuses on the impact of coronavirus on society and the economy, and the accompanying effects on children and families, cannot be overstated. In general, recessions have a massive negative impact on families, particularly as it relates to employment and housing. Children’s vulnerability to fluctuations in economic cycles depends on the strength of the social safety net programs, as well as how such programs are supported over time. Here are just a few of the issues that the Covid-19, and housing insecurity in general, has on families:
- As many as 56,000 (40%) rental households in Duval County are at risk of eviction.
- As many as 26,000 evictions may be filed in Duval County when the CDC moratorium is lifted on January 1, 2021.
- In the past two months, there have been approximately 1,600 residential evictions filed in Duval County.
- 66% of rental households with children in Florida have little to moderate confidence in their ability to rent next month.
- As much as 34% of total households, or more than 100,000 households, in Duval County are currently having difficulty covering usual household expenses.