Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (CARE - Cultivating Action, Resilience and Empowerment
Cultivating Action, Resilience and Empowerment (CARE): Expanding the Resilient Jacksonville System of Care is a SAMHSA System of Care grant awarded to the Partnership for Child Health in 2023.

CARE utilizes a rights-based framework to create an ecosystem of care to meet the needs of high-risk youth and their families; and promote well-being, resiliency, and community healing from the trauma they have experienced. We will serve individuals in Jacksonville’s Health Zone 4, an area that has been plagued with a string of violence stemming from multiple murders of young men, in addition to having the highest rate of drug overdoses, infant mortality and domestic violence homicides of the six Duval County Health Zones.

By building upon the City of Jacksonville’s existing SAMHSA System of Care (SOC), the Partnership for Child Health alongside its community partners, will integrate, restructure and expand the foundational components of two existing systems which include cultural and linguistic competency, family-driven, youth-guided, and evidence based practices; and ReCast which include trauma-responsive training, evidence-based interventions, violence prevention strategies and community engagement strategies.
Our CARE Partners
Inspire to Rise
- Community Center of Hope
- Trauma Therapy
- Center for Children’s Rights
- Resiliency Navigators
- Restorative Justice Circles
- Hope and Healing Circles
- Hope Street
- Jacksonville Urban League
- Potter’s House/CARES Justice Institute Inc.
- Cure Violence
- Voices Institute
- Equity, social justice and racial stress and trauma trainings
- Read USA- trauma- informed tutoring
- State of the Young People Collective
- My Village Project-trauma-informed mentoring