For more information, visit the website.

A Blueprint to Become a Child Friendly City
Thank you to all who participated in the recent Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) Expert Group Meeting and to our sponsors who helped make it possible.
Throughout the two-days, we heard from advocates and experts both in Jacksonville and beyond,as well as some of our youth, about the importance of building a child-friendly city. In Jacksonville, we have begun to sew the seeds needed to truly transform how we view child health and well-being. Those who participated and even those who couldn’t attend represent the passion and commitment of many organizations and people in our city who are working hard to advance the health and well-being of all children. And of that, we thank you.
At the core of CFCI is the foundational principles, standards and norms of child rights and their translation into practice, systems and public policies at every level of the public and private sectors. CFCI provides a blueprint for structuring our city for optimal health and well-being for all children.
In the weeks ahead, we’ll receive the thoughts and ideas generated by the speakers, guests and experts in the meeting and work to identify those organizations, leaders and youth who will lead this effort for Jacksonville. Together, we will make Jacksonville a better city for all children to live, grow and thrive.
For more information, visit the website.
CFCI Expert Group Meeting Agenda(PDF)
Child Friendly City Booklet (PDF)
Child-Friendly Sustainable Development Goals (PDF)

Child Friendly Cities Initiative Partners
First Meeting in Jacksonville
On Monday, May 6th, 2019, The Partnership for Child Health and their partners sponsored a workshop of child care groups from all over the US to discuss future strategies for child friendly cities policies and programs to help all children reach their full potential. UNICEF co-hosted the event which discussed ways in which a Child Friendly City can be built.
Jacksonville is the first city to host such an event in the US.
Workshop Materials
Event Letter PDFChild Friendly Cities Handbook PDF
Child Friendly Cities Booklet PDF
The Convention on the Rights of the Child Articles PDF